I’ve finally moved chipx86.com, my blog, and my gallery to my linode server from a fairly slow and now saturated DSL connection back home that my whole family uses. The main move happened last night, though today I realized I forgot my blog. Oops. I took the opportunity to install WordPress instead of Movable Type, and then imported my existing blog entries and set up a nice redirect setup for old blog entries. So far, so good! 🙂
The next step for me is to finish the layout I’m working on and slowly apply it to the gallery, wiki, and blog. This should be a real fun exercise.
Update: I apologize to Planet GNOME for taking over the world. Hopefully we can get this fixed soon.
Virual servers are great. I use unixshell.com which offers Xen based virtual machines (instead of user-mode-linux, which linode uses I believe) at reasonable rates.. for anyone interested in that sort of thing.
Ahh, just remembered you work for vmware, doh 🙂 Site looks great by the way.
Since you moved to your new hosting location the Atom feed for your blog has not been updating 🙁
Antonio: I switched to using WordPress instead of MovableType. It’s much nicer to work with. Can you use the RSS feed instead?