Various Updates

So a few things have taken place lately, and I haven’t blogged about them because I’m just really busy (or lazy, depending).

Galago and the fd.o desktop notifications reference implementation that Mike Hearn and I wrote have been proposed for GNOME 2.10. As I’m still new to this whole process, I don’t know exactly what to expect, but time will tell.

For the first time in a long time, I actually wrote up birthday and Christmas wishlists, as I usually get asked by everybody every year. I figured I might as well post them, as I find it useful to look at other people’s for ideas. I have them on Amazon, ThinkGeek, and

At sri’s constant urging (it’s appreciated!) I’ve been working on a couple of articles for GNOME Journal. Hopefully I’ll actually be happy enough with one of these and have it finished by tomorrow.

And I guess that’s it for now.

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