Alpha channels and release schedules
GTK+ and semi-transparent windows
Mike Hearn wrote a blog entry on writing GTK+ applications that provide semi-transparent Cairo-rendered windows. He suggests a SexyWindow class for libsexy, which actually fits in with some of my plans nicely. More on this… someday.
Galago 0.5.0.. Almost
Galago 0.5.0 is about to be released. I’ve said this for a while, but it’s actually happening now. The only thing left is to get the GalagoGtk# bindings out, but I’ve ran into a problem… I want to call the namespace Galago.Gtk, but then the GAPI-generated code tries to use Gtk.Widget and such, which causes a lookup in Galago.Gtk. I don’t know how to fix this, and may have to go back to the GalagoGtk namespace. Any suggestions?
Thanks Federico
I’m somewhat borrowing Federico’s blog entry format on a trial basis for some posts. I’ve grown to like it. Helps to stay organized without being too verbose.
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